Facebook for websites
There are two implementations:
  • XFBML (requires use of the JavaScript SDK)
  • Iframe (simply add the Iframe HTML to your site)
Note : if you are using my old tutorial (How to add Facebook connect to Blogger (updated) ) to add Facebook Connect, please delete all the code used in your blog in order to start with the new one without any trouble.

Step 1 : Create an application

Create Application
First of all, we need to create or register an application for your blog. to register it just hit this link :
Enter a name for your application (I prefer the same name as my blog’s name) , the URL of your blog (do not forget the “/” at the end of your URL) and choose the language that you use in your own blog.

STEP 2 : Put a couple of code lines (For XFBML)

Login your Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML then put this couple lines of code :
<div id="fb-root"></div> <script>
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
'your app id', status: true, cookie: true,
(function() {
var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true;
e.src = document.location.protocol +
You need just to put a few lines into your template between <body> tag and change APP_ID  with your own Facebook application ID then you are ready to implement Facebook widget.
** you may get this code after registering your application on Facebook.

Step 3 : Facebook Plugins

There is a lot of plugins that help you to make your blog more interactive where your reader can share your content with their friends on Facebook, for example the famous Like button :

<fb:like expr:href='data:post.url'  font="arial"></fb:like>
For more options and more Facebook widgets, please check this links just below :
Related posts :


  1. hmm. connect still takes me back to a page not found page.

  2. go to http://www.facebook.com/developers/ then "edit setting" of your application then "connect"> "connect url" and retype your URL and delete any space after "/" at the end of your URL

  3. no spaces in there. For connect URL i have http://morebreadplz.blogspot.com/ with no spaces. Everything else is blank.

  4. after / hit delete any blank or space http://lh3.ggpht.com/_TS7xXl0XDKU/TGhAMkgMamI/AAAAAAAAEn4/lJgXpU7k1W4/s800/2010-08-15_162831.png

  5. Ok, i figured out where the space was coming from...in the template, where you put in your api key followed by " ". Remove that space, and I get the following output as URL:


    Again, this time, instead of a space, i have an extra / in there. However, FB forces me to put it in on the dev page, and I can't see a way to get rid of it from the code in the template. ideas?

  6. Meh...I got it. I had to remove all the code from the previous tutorial first.

    May want to note that somewhere that if they used the OLD tutorial (http://khammami.blogspot.com/2009/07/how-to-add-facebook-connect-to-blogger.html) that they should remove the code if any problems.

  7. put just after:

    the code of the comments into this one:

  8. PLease.. PLEEEEEEzz where do I enter the plugins like the Comments box, Like button?

    Add new widget on the design page or in the blog HTML Template (If so, in which part do I add them?)?

  9. Hi nice post. i am trying to make the like post such that when someone likes it on their page it shows something like
    Dexxe liked "post title" on '' Dexxe Blog"
    Please help i am not understanding the meta tags stories

  10. مجهود فوق الرائع أخي خليل
    ما أراه هنا لم أراه في اي مكاننا أخر
    لك مني كل الحترام و التقدير
    أن مشكلتي الحقيقية تكمن في أنني اريد ان أضع الكومن بوكس لمدونتي و بعد ما نجحت في تحرير الابليكشن و نجحت في تحرير الكود و قمت بأضافه الي الجادجيت في بايج اليمنتس عبر بلوجر و قد فعل هذا تحرير الكومنت بوكس و لكن تبقي المشكله أني حصلت علي كومنت بوكس واحد لكل الموضوعات و كل الصفحات
    و ذلك علي خلاف أحد مدونة البطيخ الاحمر الذين رايت عندهم نجاح الفكره حيث يوجد لكل صفحة وكل موضوع كومنت بوكس منعزل عن الاخر
    اليك لينك هذه الصفحة
    اما هذه لينك مدونتي
    صديقي اتمني منك سرعة الرد لأن المدونه متوقفه علي هذا الكومنت بوكس ولا نريد اطلاقها قبل تصحيحه بينما لدينا عدد من الناس يتردد علينا يومياً
    also for sure i hope that u speak Arabic as i assumed and u can read my message

  11. thanks to you too
    for the comments box http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/comments
    just leave the unique ID blank

  12. i love all of info, pleasure for cool sharing

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  16. Please visit and share http://www.facefinal.com

  17. Nice Post and really good work, thanks for the post


  18. Error

    App Domains: http://www.androparadise.blogspot.com should not contain protocol information.


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